113. The Death of Slack and Data Breaches

Copy of Template_ Episode Tile for Website and Email.png

Best on Ground

Worst on Ground

  • Fake ATO email: I received a fake email yesterday from “Australian Taxation Office”. Has anyone else received this email? This is obviously a scam as it has been sent from “ato.com.au”, not “ato.gov.au”. If you receive this email, do NOT open the attachment. Hopefully, the Australian Taxation Office will look into this and put out an alert to warn the public. If you are not sure whether an ATO email is genuine, do not reply to the email or open the attachment. Call the ATO on 1800 008 540 or visit ato.gov.au/scams.
    #ato #tax #taxscams #taxreturns #australia: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6554469965918023681

About Us

From the Trenches is brought to you by Paul Meissner from Freedom Mentoring and David Boyar from Sequel CFO. Proudly sponsored by BGL and The Outsourced Accountant.