Compliance is..................not perfect.

Compliance is not perfect

Compliance is not dead, but it's not perfect.

The way compliance revenue is generated often misses the valuable nature of being compliant, up to date and in order. The key values any tax agent worth their salt would live by. But compliance services are:-

  1. Too easy to discount

  2. Too easy to bundle into annual fees, diminishing it's value

  3. Don't get any consideration before an annual price hike

Some tech companies try to solve this by assuming revenue from compliance is a dying source but no one in practice really believes it's going anywhere.

Some of these points may be relevant to you, some may bolster your confidence in what you are currently doing and some, well they might make you mad. 

If you want help solving these compliance revenue problems, check out this guide - 5 ways to better billing as an accountant, written by the show sponsor ChangeGPS it will show you.

  1. How to educate and sell to your clients

  2. How to bill on value, not volume

  3. How to change your mindset—then your messaging